How does 7 Star compare to the developed world
Compare 7 star in Australia to other developed countries and their standards. What a pity Australia 😿
The Monk
6/26/20241 min read
The R - Value (which is the measure of insulation property) goes like the below in the rest of the world.

Now le't's compare that to Australia.
Walls: R-2.5 to R-3.5
Ceilings/Roofs: R-4.0 to R-6.0
Floors: R-2.0 to R-3.0 (if insulated)
This is the theorotical case of a 7 star home in Australia. The poor folks suffering from the winter in the Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Tasmania have to deal with this standard.
We Australians are proud of quality and is one of the biggest market for high quality items - the BMW's, the Mercesdes etc. but we have been left alone in the Housing standards -- what a pity.